Monday 30 November 2009

Mirror MIrror on the wall

Carrying on with more How Magazine bashing...I looked through a couple more of their emails.

They say (well I am just saying) that you can tell a lot about a group of people by the advertisers sell to them. You could also say that advertising also picks up on the way the group views themselves.

Well, if that's the case, then this latest bit of email marketing, brought to us from How (soon to be renamed 'US Artworker') says a lot about this profession.

If these toothless check wearing twats are what designers are supposed to look like, then things are really that bad. Honestly, if designers or young designers in particulr, think that dressing like that makes you a designer, well...they're probably right and deserve to be made unemployed by istockphoto's new logo division. If toothless stupid grins are di reigeur then you deserve not to be taken seriously. If you think that 'being creative' excludes you from say having a brain and being able to run a business (I'm creative, i don't do numbers or insurance[the ad btw, is for insurance]) or say (in the digital arena) not knowing how to program a computer, then you deserve to be at the end of the soup kitchen line.

Honestly, with all this furore about How publishing an ad for a stock logo library, and how its effects standards of professionalism within the industry, I bet there wasnt a peep about the patronising (not to mention inbred) image of desingers used in this campaign. Even though Gary Lynch assures us in his istock logo backpeddle:

"It is not my place to pass judgment on the products and services promoted by our advertisers; however it is my responsibility to determine whether or not we should deliver the message"

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